Cyprus, Anti-discrimination Authority (2012), Report of the anti-discrimination authority regarding the promotion of racism and xenophobia through political discourse (Έκθεση της Αρχής κατά των διακρίσεων αναφορικά με την προώθηση του ρατσισμού και της μ
Type of publication
Geographical coverage
Area/location of interest
Type of Institution
National human rights body
Main Thematic Focus
Racism & xenophobia
Target Population
Key findings
The report found that the slogan used by a politician in his electoral campaign amounted to racial discrimination and could potentially contribute to the stigmatization and targeting of Asian migrant communities, irrespective of the motives and personal persuasions of the politician who used it. By way of recommendation, the report referred to voluntary measures for addressing political racist discourse, such as the undertaking by political candidates in UK and Ireland that they will refrain from racist messages and the Charter of European political parties for a non-racist society.
Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)
Equality body investigation; desk top research on the legal framework.
Sample details and representativeness